

Which Modeltranslation version is required for given Django-Python combination to work?

Python Django
version 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 2.0 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.2
2.7 0.9+ 0.11+ 0.12+ 0.13+                
3.2 0.9+                      
3.3 0.9+                      
3.4 0.9+ 0.11+ 0.12+ 0.13+ 0.13+              
3.5 0.9+ 0.11+ 0.12+ 0.13+ 0.13+ 0.13+            
3.6       0.13+ 0.13+ 0.13+ 0.15+ 0.15+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.18+
3.7         0.13+ 0.13+ 0.15+ 0.15+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.18+
3.8         0.13+ 0.13+ 0.15+ 0.15+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.18+
3.9         0.13+ 0.13+ 0.15+ 0.15+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.18+
3.10         0.13+ 0.13+ 0.15+ 0.15+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.18+
3.11         0.13+ 0.13+ 0.15+ 0.15+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.17+ 0.18+

(-X denotes “up to version X”, whereas X+ means “from version X upwards”)

Using Pip

$ pip install django-modeltranslation

Using the Source

Get a source tarball from pypi, unpack, then install with:

$ python install


As an alternative, if you don’t want to mess with any packaging tool, unpack the tarball and copy/move the modeltranslation directory to a path listed in your PYTHONPATH environment variable.


To setup the application please follow these steps. Each step is described in detail in the following sections:

  1. Add modeltranslation to the INSTALLED_APPS variable of your project’s

  2. Set USE_I18N = True in

  3. Configure your LANGUAGES in

  4. Create a in your app directory and register TranslationOptions for every model you want to translate.

  5. Sync the database using python makemigrations and python migrate.


    This only applies if the models registered in haven’t been synced to the database before. If they have, please read Committing fields to database.


Required Settings

The following variables have to be added to or edited in the project’s


Make sure that the modeltranslation app is listed in your INSTALLED_APPS variable:

    'django.contrib.admin',  # optional


If you want to use the admin integration, modeltranslation must be put before django.contrib.admin (only applies when using Django 1.7 or above).


If you want to use the django-debug-toolbar together with modeltranslation, use explicit setup. Otherwise tweak the order of INSTALLED_APPS: try to put debug_toolbar as first entry in INSTALLED_APPS (in Django < 1.7) or after modeltranslation (in Django >= 1.7). However, only explicit setup is guaranteed to succeed.


The LANGUAGES variable must contain all languages used for translation. The first language is treated as the default language.

Modeltranslation uses the list of languages to add localized fields to the models registered for translation. To use the languages de and en in your project, set the LANGUAGES variable like this (where de is the default language):

gettext = lambda s: s
    ('de', gettext('German')),
    ('en', gettext('English')),


The gettext lambda function is not a feature of modeltranslation, but rather required for Django to be able to (statically) translate the verbose names of the languages using the standard i18n solution.


If, for some reason, you don’t want to translate objects to exactly the same languages as the site would be displayed into, you can set MODELTRANSLATION_LANGUAGES (see below). For any language in LANGUAGES not present in MODELTRANSLATION_LANGUAGES, the default language will be used when accessing translated content. For any language in MODELTRANSLATION_LANGUAGES not present in LANGUAGES, probably nobody will see translated content, since the site wouldn’t be accessible in that language.


Modeltranslation does not enforce the LANGUAGES setting to be defined in your project. When it isn’t present (and neither is MODELTRANSLATION_LANGUAGES), it defaults to Django’s global LANGUAGES setting instead, and that are quite a few languages!

Advanced Settings

Modeltranslation also has some advanced settings to customize its behaviour.


New in version 0.3.

Default: None

To override the default language as described in LANGUAGES, you can define a language in MODELTRANSLATION_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE. Note that the value has to be in settings.LANGUAGES, otherwise an ImproperlyConfigured exception will be raised.




New in version 0.8.

Default: same as LANGUAGES

Allow to set languages the content will be translated into. If not set, by default all languages listed in LANGUAGES will be used.


    ('en', 'English'),
    ('de', 'German'),
    ('pl', 'Polish'),


This setting may become useful if your users shall produce content for a restricted set of languages, while your application is translated into a greater number of locales.


New in version 0.5.


By default modeltranslation will fallback to the computed value of the DEFAULT_LANGUAGE. This is either the first language found in the LANGUAGES setting or the value defined through MODELTRANSLATION_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE which acts as an override.

This setting allows for a more fine grained tuning of the fallback behaviour by taking additional languages into account. The language order is defined as a tuple or list of language codes.



Using a dict syntax it is also possible to define fallbacks by language. A default key is required in this case to define the default behaviour of unlisted languages.


MODELTRANSLATION_FALLBACK_LANGUAGES = {'default': ('en', 'de'), 'fr': ('de',)}


Each language has to be in the LANGUAGES setting, otherwise an ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised.


New in version 0.7.

Default: current active language

By default modeltranslation will use the current request language for prepopulating admin fields specified in the prepopulated_fields admin property. This is often used to automatically fill slug fields.

This setting allows you to pin this functionality to a specific language.




The language has to be in the LANGUAGES setting, otherwise an ImproperlyConfigured exception is raised.


New in version 0.4.

Default: () (empty tuple)

Modeltranslation uses an autoregister feature similar to the one in Django’s admin. The autoregistration process will look for a file in the root directory of each application that is in INSTALLED_APPS.

The setting MODELTRANSLATION_TRANSLATION_FILES is provided to extend the modules that are taken into account.






Modeltranslation up to version 0.3 used a single project wide registration file which was defined through MODELTRANSLATION_TRANSLATION_REGISTRY = '<PROJECT_MODULE>.translation'.

In version 0.4 and 0.5, for backwards compatibility, the module defined through this setting was automatically added to MODELTRANSLATION_TRANSLATION_FILES. A DeprecationWarning was issued in this case.

In version 0.6 MODELTRANSLATION_TRANSLATION_REGISTRY is handled no more.


Default: () (empty tuple)

New in version 0.3.

Modeltranslation supports the fields listed in the Supported Fields Matrix. In most cases subclasses of the supported fields will work fine, too. Unsupported fields will throw an ImproperlyConfigured exception.

The list of supported fields can be extended by defining a tuple of field names in your




This just prevents modeltranslation from throwing an ImproperlyConfigured exception. Any unsupported field will most likely fail in one way or another. The feature is considered experimental and might be replaced by a more sophisticated mechanism in future versions.


Default: False

New in version 0.5.

This setting controls if the Multilingual Manager should automatically populate language field values in its create and get_or_create method, and in model constructors, so that these two blocks of statements can be considered equivalent:

News.objects.populate(True).create(title='-- no translation yet --')
with auto_populate(True):
    q = News(title='-- no translation yet --')

# same effect with MODELTRANSLATION_AUTO_POPULATE == True:

News.objects.create(title='-- no translation yet --')
q = News(title='-- no translation yet --')

Possible modes are listed here.


Default: False

New in version 0.4.

Changed in version 0.7.

Used for modeltranslation related debug output. Currently setting it to False will just prevent Django’s development server from printing the Registered xx models for translation message to stdout.


Default: True

New in version 0.6.

Control if fallback (both language and value) will occur.