Registering Models for Translation

The modeltranslation app can translate CharField and TextField based fields (as well as FileField and ImageField as of version 0.4) of any model class. For each model to translate a translation option class containing the fields to translate is registered with the modeltranslation app.

Registering models and their fields for translation requires the following steps:

  1. Create a in your app directory.
  2. Create a translation option class for every model to translate.
  3. Register the model and the translation option class at the modeltranslation.translator.translator

The modeltranslation application reads the file in your app directory thereby triggering the registration of the translation options found in the file.

A translation option is a class that declares which fields of a model to translate. The class must derive from modeltranslation.ModelTranslation and it must provide a fields attribute storing the list of fieldnames. The option class must be registered with the modeltranslation.translator.translator instance.

To illustrate this let’s have a look at a simple example using a News model. The news in this example only contains a title and a text field. Instead of a news, this could be any Django model class:

class News(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    text = models.TextField()

In order to tell the modeltranslation app to translate the title and text field, create a file in your news app directory and add the following:

from modeltranslation.translator import translator, TranslationOptions
from news.models import News

class NewsTranslationOptions(TranslationOptions):
    fields = ('title', 'text',)

translator.register(News, NewsTranslationOptions)

Note that this does not require to change the News model in any way, it’s only imported. The NewsTranslationOptions derives from TranslationOptions and provides the fields attribute. Finally the model and its translation options are registered at the translator object.

At this point you are mostly done and the model classes registered for translation will have been added some auto-magical fields. The next section explains how things are working under the hood.

Changes Automatically Applied to the Model Class

After registering the News model for translation an SQL dump of the news app will look like this:

$ ./ sqlall news
CREATE TABLE `news_news` (
    `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
    `title_de` varchar(255) NULL,
    `title_en` varchar(255) NULL,
    `text` longtext NULL,
    `text_de` longtext NULL,
    `text_en` longtext NULL,
ALTER TABLE `news_news` ADD CONSTRAINT page_id_refs_id_3edd1f0d FOREIGN KEY (`page_id`) REFERENCES `page_page` (`id`);
CREATE INDEX `news_news_page_id` ON `news_news` (`page_id`);

Note the title_de, title_en, text_de and text_en fields which are not declared in the original News model class but rather have been added by the modeltranslation app. These are called translation fields. There will be one for every language in your project’s

The name of these additional fields is build using the original name of the translated field and appending one of the language identifiers found in the settings.LANGUAGES.

As these fields are added to the registered model class as fully valid Django model fields, they will appear in the db schema for the model although it has not been specified on the model explicitly.

If you are starting a fresh project and have considered your translation needs in the beginning then simply sync your database and you are ready to use the translated models.

In case you are translating an existing project and your models have already been synced to the database you will need to alter the tables in your database and add these additional translation fields. Note that all added fields are declared null=True not matter if the original field is required. In other words - all translations are optional. To populate the default translation fields added by the modeltranslation application you can use the update_translation_fields command below. See The update_translation_fields Command section for more infos on this.